viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2007

Prohibido el paso

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Hi Jose,
School has started but I haven't been able to work much yet. I spend a lot of time doing things with or for my mother. She is doing "OK" but has pain when she stands or walks. The only thing that would help at this point is a hip replacement.
Tell Jeanne "I" love the picture and it hangs on the refrigerator as I blog.
We always love to see pictures from you and Jeanne so keep posting and you should figure out a way to make money off them.
Hope the weather turns warm for fall.
Mary Lou

jose dijo...

Hello Mary,

I am sorry to hear about your mothers pain. I know hips replacements can be difficult at that age but I hope they find the best way to help her.

